A loan helped to repair his tax.

Eduardo's story

Eduardo T. is 62. His wife, Amada González, is 59. They have 7 children. All of the children are married, and five of them are professionals with degrees in education.

Eduardo has been working as a taxi driver in the Caaguazú bus terminal for eight years. He started out renting vehicles from his friends to provide taxi service. He did that for four years. Then, with the money he was earning, he bought his own vehicle. Eduardo is currently known in the city of Caaguazú as one of the taxi drivers who offers the best service.

His personal dream is to buy a van to use in his taxi service. A van generates more income.

He is asking for a loan to add to the money he has to buy a van.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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