A loan helped a member buy seeds and fertilizer.

Virgen Asunta De Huyro Group's story

The members belong to the “VIRGEN ASUNTA DE HUYRO” communal bank. This bank is located in the Huayopata district, belonging to La Convencion province and the department of Cusco.

Vilma, the member, is 34 years old, single and has one child. She runs an agriculture business; she has land where she grows coffee and bananas. The member works from 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m. She's had this business for many years and it's going well. Her dream is to expand her agriculture business.

She is requesting a loan to buy seeds and fertilizer.

The other associates work in agriculture, cows sales, pollipapas (chicken and fries) sales and animal breeding.

The member is grateful to those who are, through this medium, part of this dream and pledges to make her established payments on time.

In this group: Vilma, Violeta, Breyner Joel, Melchora, Efrain, Juan De Dios Hugo, Pascuala, Tambra Iraida, Yhojan, Porfirio

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Beatriz Yuste.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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