A loan helped to buy two computers, a printer, three tables and a mini bus.

Marshall's story

Marshall is a 35 year old single dad of three who supports his mother and kids. He has been unable to secure employment owing to tough economic conditions in his town. However, he has a passion for spreading knowledge and does volunteer work teaching business skills to members of his community.

He now wants to turn his passion into a business by setting up a computer center. He is requesting a loan to buy two computers, a printer and tables. He will charge to teach people both young and old computer skills.

With the loan he also wants to buy a small mini bus to transport workers from their local areas to their workplace in other surrounding towns.

This loan will provide him with a stable income that will allow him to save and expand his business while improving his family's standards of living.

This loan is special because:

It will provide new entrepreneurs with equipment, tools and supplies.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details