A loan helped to rent land and purchase wheat seeds and fertilizer.

Zarnigor's story

Zarnigor is an ambitious and cheerful young lady. She was born in 1991 into a farming family. She is from Spitamen district, county Kurush. From childhood, she was engaged in farming. She liked to work on their hectare of land. She has only a secondary education because of financial shortness.

She is married and lives with two children. Her husband is a hardworking man. Her husband is engaged in farming also. He grows livestock such as cattle. He spends all the income to cover all the family living expenses.

Zarnigor wanted to help to her husband. She started a new business. She is a seamstress. She sews national dresses.

Zarnigor and her husband started to repair their house, but all of their income is only enough to cover living expenses. They need to finish their started construction and reconstuct all of the roofs of the house.

They decided to rent a hectare of land and plant wheat. They are in this business already three years. This year, they decided to increase the hectare of land where they want to plant a crop, but they don't have capital resources to rent land and purchase wheat seeds and fertilizer. That's why she appealed for a loan from Kiva field partner MDO Arvand. She hopes the loan will change her life.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details