A loan helped to buy two cows in order to increase her herd.

Zhumabubu's story

Zhumabubu is 60 years old, married and has a large family: she is the mother of seven. Zhumabubu has received secondary education. She is a very hard-working and responsible person. As a main source of income for her family, since 1991 she has been raising livestock and growing farm crops, having launched this business with 25,000 soms (KGS). Thanks to Zhumabubu's hard work, at present she owns four cows and for sheep. She also grows sugar beets, barley and clover for sale, on a field of 3.5 ha [8.7 acres]. She also sells environmentally clean milk on a daily basis. Her monthly revenue is about 11,000 KGS.

In order to develop her business further, Zhumabubu has applied to the Bai Tushum Bank for a loan in the amount of 50,000 KGS to expand her livestock by buying two cows. She plans to invest the resulting revenues in an additional expansion of her business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Katharina S.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of low-income families.

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