A loan helped to invest in a purchase of large looms.

Irene's story

Irene is an artisan from Mexico who specializes in handwoven rugs.

She would like to invest in the purchase of large looms.

Irene has been selling through NOVICA since 2011. This is her story:

"I grew up in Teotitlan del Valle, home of the legendary Zapotec rugs. It is a beautiful place and I have fond memories of growing up with my five siblings and parents, all of them artisans. I wasn't able to finish school due to financial difficulties. I started learning weaving when I was 12 years old because I’ve always been intrigued with this Zapotec legacy of ours. Now I enjoy creating my own designs, as it represents a way of self-expression. I don't use any chemicals because I want to contribute to the preservation of the environment. I make colors from leaves, seeds and flowers to dye the virgin wool."

"Thank you for this wonderful support. It will allow us to provide for our families and employment to additional weavers."

Use the link below to view Irene's handwoven rugs on the NOVICA site:


This loan is special because:

It gives artisans working capital at 0% interest rates.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details