A loan helped to buy seeds and vegetables to sell.

Consolata's story

Consolata A. is a 40-year-old mother of five children between the ages of 17 and 32. She has no grandchildren and is married to a farmer. She lives in Nyamasaria and would like a loan to purchase more seeds to plant and additional vegetables to sell. She is asking for 10,000 KSH.

Consolata recently joined the K-MET volunteer Community Health Worker (CHW) group in Kisumu, Kenya. As a CHW she will be trained by K-MET and will begin visiting members of her community who are sick with a variety of illnesses. Her work will include distributing Nutriflour (a vitamin enriched flour produced by K-MET) to malnourished patients, providing reproductive health education, referring patients to local clinics and hospitals, and providing basic health care.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details