A loan helped a member to buy farming supplies and to pay labourers.

Grupo Paculam Group's story

Manuela is 50 years old and married with a beautiful family of five children between the ages of 23 and 6 years old. The family lives in a community in the Paculam area.

First on the left in the photo is Manuela who, with a desire to earn her own income and move forward with her family, makes a living growing coffee. Manuela has been doing this work for 20 years but, in order to earn an additional income, she also sells bananas.

Manuela always fights for her dreams. In a bid to look after her crops, Manuela has decided to apply for a loan with a group of other borrowers. She will use the loan to buy farming supplies and to pay labourers, all in order to gain a good harvest at the end of the year.

Manuela's big dream is to increase crops and improve her family's living conditions.

In this group: Manuela, Catarina, Ana, Antonia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

This loan is special because:

It supports rural agriculturalists in the highlands of Guatemala.

Loan details

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Loan details