A loan helped to purchase supplies needed for her hairdressing service (blow dryer, tools, scissors, paints) as well as to purchase a stone-cutting machine and other tools for her husband's work.

Meline's story

Meline, a mother of two, lives in Kapan town of Syuniq region. She works as a hairdresser from her house. Her husband is a painter and sculptor doing different paintings and gravestones. The requested loan will help Meline and her husband to improve their work. They will purchase supplies needed for her hairdressing service (blowdryer, tools, scissors, paints) as well as purchasing a stone-cutting machine and other tools for her husband's work as a sculptor. This will help Meline and her family to develop their work and get income for their family.

This loan is special because:

It supports informal business owners that have fewer opportunities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details