A loan helped a member to buy paddy rice from local rice farmers for processing.

Nyebeyoona - Nakohigu-Fong Group's story

Mariama is a 49-year-old hardworking mother of four from Nakohigu Fong, Karaga in the northern region of Ghana. She is married and lives in Karaga with her family. In the photo, she is the woman seated third from right in the middle row, with the hand raised.

Mariama is a member of a parboiled rice processing group that has been in business for the past decade. The name of the group is "NYEBUBIYOONA-NAKOHIGU-FONG". She earns a good profit from the business simply because the group has been trained by Grameen Ghana on how to process high-quality parboiled rice for the Ghanaian local markets.

Mariama and her group have asked for a loan of GHS 6,500. Mariama’s share of the loan is GHS 500, which she would use to buy paddy rice from local rice farmers for processing.

Mariama aspires to produce in large quantities in future and earn more income as well as to repay this loan and support her family with food and health care. She is very grateful to Kiva lenders for their transformational support.

In this group: Abu, Mariama, Fati, Abiba, Sanatu, Damu, Sanatu, Saamatu, Naama, Mariama, Lubaba, Memunatu, Balchisu, Damu, Ayi, Matan, Fuseina, Sanatu, Nafiha

This loan is special because:

It funds farmers and workers with various agricultural produce in rural Ghana.

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