A loan helped to look after and make improvements to production and earn a higher income for her family.

Reina's story

Reina is 26 years old and completed high school. Owing to her parents limited resources, Reina could not continue studying. Reina currently lives with her partner. The couple has one son who is dependent on his parents. Reina and her partner support the child with his education and food. The couple both started to work at young ages. The couple currently lives with Reina's father-in-law, and their son. The family does not pay rent but helps to pay for utilities.

Reina and her partner do own a plot of farming land. They worked hard to buy it. The plot is located far from their home. The couple works their five to six days per work. They grow pineapples, yucca, and citrus fruits. These crops support the families. As Reina and her partner can't do all the work they have alone, they contract labourers to help with the harvest and looking after the crops.

Reina and her husband need to look after their crops to improve production. Reina is therefore applying for a loan in order to improve production and her family's quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

This loan is special because:

It aims to grow small farms and businesses in the Bolivian highlands.

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