A loan helped a member to buy organic fertilizer and pay for plowing fees.

Chansy Group's story

The members of Chansy Group live in a rural village in Tboung Khmum province, Cambodia. Chansy is 34 years old and a mother of two dependent children. (She is pictured on the far right.) Her main sources of income for supporting her family come from growing cassava and working as a laborer for others.

Chansy has had her cassava farm for about 17 years. Her husband, who is 38 years old, is also a farmer, as is one of her children; the other child is a student. Her family can earn around $23 per day.

Chansy is the leader of this group of three members. She has applied for a loan of 1,500 U.S. dollars through Kiva's field partner KREDIT, with the loan to be apportioned among the group’s members. Chansy will use her share to buy organic fertilizer and pay for plowing fees.

This loan will help Chansy increase her income and improve her family's standard of living. Chansy’s plans for the future include buying more farmland, renovating her house, and helping her child achieve a higher education.

In this group: Sory, Chansey, Chansy

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