A loan helped to purchase more chicks and buy feed.

Davidzo's story

Davidzo is a 33-year-old lady residing in Mwenezi District in Zimbabwe. She stays with her husband‘s parents and her one child. She works raising poultry which she does very well. She is running her business in Mwenezi District. She is also a volunteer Camfed Learner Guide at her local school. She assists children in doing studies at school and also forming community study groups with learners. She used her first loan profits to increase her poultry business. She is now requesting a second Kiva loan in order to further expand her business. She wishes to rear more than 500 chicks so that she can meet the demands of her customers.

This loan is special because:

It is a 0% interest loan for young women with new businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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