A loan helped purchase ingredients to make pupusas, a typical regional dish.

Morena's story

Morena M. is 23 years old and lives in the municipality of El Rosario with his mother. She has a store located in her home in front of a school. Despite her young age and of being single, she works very hard day to day to earn the necessary money for her and her mother. At the store she sells bottled juices, snacks and also makes pupusas (a typical Salvadoran dish made with corn or rice and mixed with pork rind, cheese and beans in a tortilla). Her mother helps her with the business, and both give a lot of effort because it is the only source of income they have. Because the sales are quite acceptable, Morena is requesting a loan to have the necessary capital to purchase the ingredients to make pupusas since that is the best-selling product. Morena wishes to improve her sales to increase her earnings and have more economic stability.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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