A loan helped a member to buy seeds to cultivate her yard.

Benkedi Ii Group's story

Koro Sinaly is 37 years old and she lives in Mali. In the photo, she is the woman holding a bowl full of tomatoes. She lives with her husband (a farmer) and her five children ranging from ages 1 to 20. Four of her children go to school.

Koro Sinaly has turned to the RMCR to finance her purchase of seeds and fertilizers. She will use these seeds and fertilizers to cultivate her garden as she has been involved in market gardening for the past 15 years.

Thanks to her profits (150,000 to 200,000 CFA francs per loan cycle, so about 30,000 CFA francs per month), she is able to cover her family's day-to-day expenses. Koro Sinaly uses her loans to buy seeds and farming inputs (pepper, onion, tomatoes as well as seed treatment products). She stocks up at local markets and resells her produce at the same venues.

In spite of the challenges she faces due to the lack of rain, she is happy to generate enough earnings to be able to pay for the children's school supplies. In the future, she would like to provide her children with all the necessities of life, so that they can reach their academic and professional goals.

In this group: Chitan Yaya, Massitan Kafa, Minata Mamoutou, Haby, Bibata, Chata, Kadiatou, Korotoumou Sidi, Batoma, Koro Sinaly, Djaratou, Mariam Kalifa, Mamine Abou, Fatoumata Siriki, Koro Oumar, Minata Doulaye, Hawa Bourama, Minata Yacouba, Djenebabiba, Deneba Magnon

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Sophie Narayan.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers and entrepreneurs in underserved areas in Mali.

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