A loan helped to purchase a tractor and start cultivation of land.

Shushana's story

Shushana, who is 43 year-old married woman, lives in village Pirveli Maisi. She has an unemployed husband, pensioner mother-in-law and 2 school-aged daughters. The only source of income for family is from agricultural activity. Shushana works hard to satisfy her family's increased needs. She is engaged in cattle breeding, in cultivating agricultural land and in harvesting nuts seasonally. She sells milk-products and nuts and gets approximately 150-200 GEL.

Now, she needs financial support to purchase a special tractor to continue running her more profitable way. Shushana has been approved for a loan within the framework of a joint initiative between Kiva and Credo. The start-up loan program provides business start-up loans with soft conditions to informal businesses that do not have access to credit products. Shushana will use tractor for seasonal activities related to cultivation and will get significant income.
The loan will greatly assist Shushana and she will be able to improve her economic situation and give her family a better style of life.

This loan is special because:

It helps vulnerable women start a new business.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details