A loan helped to buy school furniture such as desks, chairs and blackboards for her school.

Aneela's story

29-year-old Aneela has had her own school for 3 years. She is a single lady and serving her community by providing quality education. Aneela wants to educate her village children through active teaching and believes that quality education can bring change in community behavior and education.

Most of the school children belong to marginalized families and could not bear their children's education expenditures. There are more than 105 students enrolled in the school and 45% of the students are female. She has requested for a loan of 200,000 PKR to buy school furniture such as desks, chairs and blackboards for her school.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income schools provide quality education in Pakistan's urban slums.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details