A loan helped a member to buy more stock of items to sell, such as bars of soap, salt, and sugar.

Kicheche Tukore Hamwe Group's story

Jane is a 44-year-old hard-working married woman with six children who lives in Kamwenge, Uganda. Four of her children attend school, and that is her greatest treasure. Apart from her biological children, she also takes care of two other dependants, because they are orphans.

Her main source of income is a retail shop of general merchandise which she started 11 years ago. She also supplements the business with crop farming, cattle fattening, and beekeeping. This helps her raise her income and pay school fees for her children. Her vision is to expand her business into a bigger shop, though she is limited by price fluctuations that limit her profits.

She is requesting a loan to buy more stock of items such as bars of soap, salt, and sugar to sell to her customers.

In this group: Jane, Ricky Freddie, Lucky, Constance, Violet, Julius, Mwafuma, Rose, Scovia, Scora, Jonah, Jackline, Florence, Donozio

This loan is special because:

It targets extremely rural populations.

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