Kun is a married mother with three children. She is 53 years old and she is living in Kandal province. Her main source of income is from growing vegetables to support her family. She has been engaged with this business for around 33 years.
Her crops have been destroyed by insects which caused her to get a lower yield from this business. She is an old member with VisionFund and this is her seventh loan cycle. Before she applied for a new loan, she paid back her past loan completely. With the past loans, she has managed to increase her standard of living and improve support for her business as well.
Now she forms a group which consists of three members and she is a group leader. As a group leader, Kun will use her loan portion to buy fertilizer to support her vegetable planting. She hopes to gain more outputs from her current business and sell it at a good price on the market.
In this group: Kun, Kong, Sopheap