A loan helped to buy fertilizer, herbicide and also to pay the lease on his land.

Jose Estanislao's story

José is a farmer and a cattleman. He is married with children, and has no family members living outside of the country. He has been working at this occupation for six years and this is where he derives all of his income to support his family. With the help of loans, he has been able to maintain a good income. He is also well-known in his community as a worker and for his good values.

He will use the loan to invest in agricultural supplies since planting time is approaching. He will buy fertilizer and herbicide, and he will also pay the lease on his land. He hopes to have a good income because he will sell some of his crops to cover his family's necessities.

His greatest desire is to continue to work and to educate his children.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Marcia Margolis.

This loan is special because:

It gives fair opportunity to low income families in El Salvador.

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