A loan helped to buy cows.

Ana Elizabeth's story

Ana is 41-years old. She went to school until high school. She is married and has two children who are both in high school. Ana has been employed in an electrical company for 22 years. She learned to do this job on her own because when she left school she started looking for work to help her parents. The job is 30 minutes away and she travels by bus to the office. She then goes out in to the communities to do light meter readings and delivery of electricity bills. She works from Monday to Friday, from 8AM to 4 PM.

Additionally, Ana wants to increase her income, so she is planning to start taking care of cattle. She will use the funds to buy cows because she wants to work in this business. With the support of the loan and her family, she intends to implement it. Ana's dreams are that her children do well in their schooling, that they do not have any problems graduating and that they become professionals.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mara Nagaki.

This loan is special because:

It enables single mothers to start their own business.

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