A loan helped to buy life saving cook stoves to sell to their customers.

Generation Kenya's story

Generation Kenya is based in Nairobi and it supplies energy saving products to wholesalers, registered organised groups and retailers. To wholesalers it offers flexible payment terms where they are allowed to pay back in installments of up to 4 weeks. This allows the wholesalers to stock up as much as they can comfortably and to concentrate on selling to those communities that will benefit most from the products. Generation Kenya offers discounts to women’s groups so that they can access the products more cheaply to sell to their members.

Generation Kenya will use the Kiva funding to purchase more Jikokoa life saving stoves, thereby guaranteeing more stock to the wholesalers and reaching a greater proportion of the Kenyan population.

This loan is special because:

It distributes clean cookstoves to help families save money and reduce pollution.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details