A loan helped to invest in a 40 cubic metre waste-to-energy biodigester.

Antonio Carlos's story

Antonio is an experienced farmer who has dedicated all his life to his farming activities. He raises cows and sheep and then sells their milk, and he cultivates corn and forage on a plot of land close to his farm. As he sees the climate change and the prices of LP gas and chemical fertilizers increase, so he has become increasingly aware that something needs to change.

Therefore he has decided to purchase a Sistema Biobolsa biodigester in order to transform the contaminating manure of his animals into clean and productive outputs: biogas and organic fertilizer. This will allow him to reduce his carbon footprint as he will eliminate fossil fuel based inputs from his farm, while also generating important economic savings through the production of his own energy. He looks forward to saving money in order to invest in a milking machine, and he plans to use the biogas in the expansion of his milk activity into cheese production. With his biodigester, Antonio will be part of a broader movement towards a sustainable, small-scale and organic agriculture, and he is very proud of this.

This loan represents 41% of the total price of the biodigester. The remaining part is being covered by a down payment from the client and a government subsidy.

This loan is special because:

It allows smallholder farmers to purchase biodigesters for organic fertilizer.

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