A loan helped to buy chemical and organic fertilizers for his fields.

Tobias's story

Tobias, 26, is married and he lives in the family home, made of rudimentary materials, with his wife and his son. They live in Querecotillo district of the province of Cutervo, in the departament of Cajamarca, Peru. He has very good work and personal references from people in the area. Most people here work in agriculture, trade, and livestock production.

Tobias is a farmer who cultivates the Catimor variety of coffee. He has more than 3 years of experience in this line of work. He will use this loan to invest in soil preparation and the purchase of fertilizers and manure. This investment will enable him to obtain the income he needs to improve his financial situation, and thereby improve his living conditions.

Tobias is a new member of Edpyme Alternativa.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

This loan is special because:

It reaches the underserved.

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