A loan helped to develop her business by increasing her merchandise with new items and ‎offers to better satisfy her customers' demands.

Yousra's story

Yousra is a 44-year-old married mother of three. She is working as a teacher and her husband owns a ‎small restaurant for making sandwiches. ‎

She started selling home products at her home to help her husband in covering the needs and expenses of ‎their family. She is a hard worker and ambitious woman who has a good reputation in her region and loyal customers.

Yousra is acquiring a loan to develop her business by increasing her merchandise with new items and ‎offers to better satisfy her customers' demands. She hopes to expand her business more in the future to ‎increase her income and improve her family's living conditions.‎

This loan is special because:

It empowers people in a country with limited economic opportunities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details