A loan helped a member to buy maize, Irish potatoes, cooking oil and tomatoes.

Chiyanjano Group's story

Doreen is 27 years old and married. Her husband works as a water seller. She has three children and one relative who depend on her.

Doreen runs a business selling tomatoes, cooking oil, Irish potatoes, flour and vegetables. She would like to use this loan to buy maize, Irish potatoes, cooking oil and tomatoes to stock the business. The profits from the business will enable her to pay her children's school fees. She started the business to support her husband financially and to be able to provide food and other household necessities.

Doreen plans to make savings and purchase a plot of land. She also plans to increase the number of bags of maize she orders from one to three.

In this group: Doreen, Enifa, Violet, Melia, Rhoda, Mary, Patuma, Jean, Grace, Christina, Lucia, Esnart, Rose, Madalo, Stella, Zione, Shelifa, Mary, Mercy, Agness, Charity, Dorothy, Chrissie

This loan is special because:

It enables women living below the poverty line to start businesses.

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