A loan helped a member to buy farmland to cultivate rice.

Nam Group's story

Nam is a 43 year-old married rice farmer with five dependent children and she lives in the Takeo Province of Cambodia. Nam is pictured first from the right. She has cultivated rice more than thirty years. Her husband is a 44-year old car driver. Two of her children are construction workers and another three children are attending school. Together, they can make approximately USD 16 per day. Nam is a group leader and as such she is requesting a loan as part of a group of four members. She will use her portion to buy farmland to cultivate rice. With this loan, she will be able to have enough money to buy farmland and improve her family’s income. In the future, she is a going to buy a plow tractor to cultivate rice, and support her children to bachelor’s degree.

In this group: Nam, Phally, Touch, Rorn

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