A loan helped a member to buy spare parts and accessories for her business.

Grupo Las Cruces Santo Domingo Group's story

Trinidad (the second one from right to left, in a green blouse) is a person who is very kind, respectful and disciplined. She is 28 years old and married. She has a family of two children, who are between 5 and 10 years of age. They live in a community of Las Cruces, Santo Domingo. With the purpose of earning an income and moving her family ahead, Trinidad works repairing electrical appliances. She has worked for 6 years in this type of activity. Fortunately, her job is in high demand and she is doing very well with her business. Trinidad is a woman, who despite having few opportunities of progress, has been able to move her family ahead. In order to offer a better service so that her customers are satisfied with her service, she is requesting a loan to buy spare parts and accessories for her business. Her big dream is to strengthen her business better and give her children the best education.

In this group: Damaris Rosmeri, Victor, Zenaida Maricela, Rosa Elvira, Trinidad, Maribel

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Patricia Mueller.

This loan is special because:

It targets low-income borrowers who can't access typical microfinance loans.

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