A loan helped to buy necessary, newly released business tools to better serve his customers and develop his business.

Husein's story

Husein is 29. He is single with seven years of experience in car electrical maintenance services.

He is well-known in his region and recommended by most of his customers. During his intermediate school stages, Husein had to quit school to work and support his parents.

He got the basic business experience when he established his current working place seven years ago.

Husein is working hard to develop his business, and he is waiting for the suitable time.

To take this step forward, he is acquiring a Youth loan from Kiva's field partner Al Majmoua to buy the necessary, newly released business tools to better serve his customers and develop his business.

Husein is so optimistic about this loan, and he hopes that through future experiences with Al Majmoua, he will continue to expand and develop his business properly.

This loan is special because:

It targets youth in a region where opportunity is scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details