A loan helped a member to buy the agricultural supplies for the maintenance of her crops.

Grupo Chuachinup 2 Group's story

María is an entrepreneurial woman and has used the previous loan well. Thanks to God, her crop has increased since she has had access to the loans from Adicla. Previously, she grew very little because the production of bananas requires sufficient capital, which María lacked. But now that has changed because of the income that she earned from the banana harvest.
Today, she also grows coffee and for her this is a big accomplishment, because it allows her to have new experiences, but above all, a better income. However, these two crops require that their roots be well maintained.
She is requesting a new loan to buy agricultural supplies for the maintenance of the coffee plants.
Her biggest dream is to increase her crop and help her family to have a better life.

In this group: Maria, Antonia, Catarina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catherine Dyck.

This loan is special because:

It supports rural agriculturalists in the highlands of Guatemala.

Loan details

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