A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer and seeds.

San Agustin Group's story

The borrowers belong to the communal bank "San Agustin," located in the district of Echarate, in the province of La Convencion, in the department of Cusco.

The borrower Luz Marina is a hard-working woman who works in agriculture, cultivating fruits. She has done this work for many years and her production is good because it is favored by the climate conditions of her locality. She is 59-years-old and has five children for whom she fights everyday to get them ahead.

She requested the loan to buy fertilizer and seeds.

The other members work in the breeding and sale of animals, grocery store, food sales, and providing services to public institutions.

The members are thankful to the Kiva investors for believing in them and promise to be punctual in their established repayments.

In this group: Luz Marina, Alicia, Mary Luz, Yoni, Maria Nieves, Margarita, Rodirik Bill, Gloria Milagros, Tania, Henma Yois, Ruth Meli, Erwin Herlimber

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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