A loan helped to implement the sale of food (dinners) to generate in this way better income for her family.

Wilma Isabel's story

Wilma Isabel is a native of Potosí. She has a son for whom she still provides her moral and economic support. She is a teacher in the urban area of the city, and in her free time she wants to implement a food sale business, since she has the technical training that she acquired at a seminar given through the Centro de Capacitación Sumaj Huasi Yachayricunapaj.

Her husband, a humble person, has his own workshop, he offers his services as a welder and has the tools necessary to be able to offer good service. He points out that the assets invested in this activity have been acquired thanks to his daily efforts and dedication to his work, in order to be able as well to provide his family with a better quality of life.

Wilma does not have her own house, this being one of her greatest wishes that will only become possible by improving her income. It is for this reason that she wants to implement the business of selling food for evening service.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It offers entrepreneurs loans with grace periods to set up new businesses.

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