A loan helped to buy seeds and mineral fertilizers.

Soniya's story

This is Soniya. She was born in 1982 in a farmer family. She is married and has four children, a daughter and three sons. Her husband is a carpenter.

Her husband’s income is not enough to feed the family. She deals with farming in order to feed her family and save some money for her children’s university. She is working hard. She sows onion and cucumber. She gets a good income. She has sowed one hectare of onion and a half hectare of potatoes. She intends to get a good harvest.

She needs money. She wants to get a loan and buy seeds and mineral fertilizers. She is asking for a loan of 11,000 TJS with this aim. She awaits your support and mercy.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

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