A loan helped to buy a solar system for heating water for their family house.

Muhammad's story

Muhammad is a 38-year-old married man from Khan Younis City, which is located in the Gaza Strip, next to the Refugee Camp with the same name. He works as an employee in the public sector, where he gets a low income. This income barely covers all the family needs, but he wants to make his family more comfortable and improve their standard of living.

So, Muhammad took a USD loan from FATEN, which will enable him to buy a solar system for hot water for his family home. By taking this loan, Muhammad will be able to decrease his electricity expenses while using a cleaner form of energy (rather than gas). Muhammad’s family will have an easier time with hot water for showers, cooking, and also washing clothes and dishes. Muhammad appears in the photo.

This loan is special because:

It provides access to environmentally friendly products.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details