A loan helped to pay for 4 oxen and forage to feed the livestock.

Khachik's story

Khachik is a farmer with 30 years of experience running a farm. He lives with his wife, 25 year old son and 96 year old mother. Khachik's only income comes from agriculture. He keeps livestock of calves, cows, sheep and also cultivates potatoes, cabbage, beans, apples and walnuts on the farm.
Khachik's wife and son help him with running the farm. They work day and night to sustain the farm and manage with their daily living expenses. The requested loan will help Khachik and his family to enlarge their livestock with 4 oxen and purchase forage for feeding the livestock.
They would be very thankful to receive the loan and develop their farming business. If everything goes well, Khachik also plans to purchase bees and start the production of honey on his farm.

This loan is special because:

It supports clients who were rejected by other lending institutions.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details