A loan helped a member to buy the fast moving items in his retail shop.

Tembo Grp Bunda Group's story

Samweli, who is in his mid 30's, is married with three children who are still in school. He has been running a retail shop for fifteen years now. He works from 7 am to 6 pm daily and is able to make a good monthly profit.

This will be Samweli's first loan from Tujijenge Tanzania. He will use this loan to buy the fast moving items in his retail shop. He dreams of expanding his shop into a supermarket.

Samweli will share this loan with his loan group Tembo Grp Bunda, which has five members who will hold each other accountable for paying back the loan.

In this group: Samweli, Robert, Limbu, Limbu, John

This loan is special because:

It provides loans to borrowers in very deep rural areas via mobile money innovation.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details