A loan helped to buy' spare parts and updated tools for computers to provide his customers with better service.

Hani's story

Hani is a 38-year-old married father of two and a Palestinian refugee who lives in a Palestinian refugee camp. He finished his studies at the university, and five years ago started maintaining computers to cover the needs and expenses of his family. Due to the low social and financial situations of Palestinians in Lebanon, especially those who live in camps, he is suffering from limited income which is not enough to cover his family's expenses.

Today, Hani is acquiring a loan from Kiva's field partner, Al Majmoua, to buy spare parts and updated tools for computers which will facilitate his work and allow him to provide his customers with better service. Hani hopes to keep on expanding his business more in the future to increase his income and improve his family's living conditions inside the camp.

This loan is special because:

It benefits refugees and immigrants who have been marginalized.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details