A loan helped to buy artificial flowers for her business.

Sevgi's story

Sevgi is a single mother living with her son. She has two stores where she makes and sells artificial flowers and wedding candies. Her customers are usually couples that are going to get married. With the help of the income from her two stores she is supporting her family and employs two women. This is her fifth loan and with the help of the loans she has purchased materials in bulk.

Translated from Turkish by Maya staff
Sevgi hanım eşinden ayrılmış ve oğlu ile beraber yaşıyor. Yapay çiçek satışı ve nikah şekeri yaptığı iki dükkânı var. Müşterileri genellikle evlilik hazırlıkları yapan çiftler. Bu dükkanlar dan kazandığı gelirle hem kendi evini geçindiriyor hem de iki kadına iş fırsatı veriyor. Maya dan 5. kredisini kullanan Sevgi Hanım Kullandığı krediler ile toptan mal aldı.

This loan is special because:

It helps working women create their own jobs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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