A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer.

Yupancca Group's story

These are the members of the communal bank “YUPANCCA”. This bank is located in Vilcabamba district, part of La Convención province, Cusco department.

Briceño is a hard-working person who has worked in agriculture for many years, producing different fruits and plants. He is 26 years old and has a son, and works hard every day to support him. He wants to increase his production and have more income, allowing a higher quality of life.

He is requesting this loan to buy fertilizer.

The other members work selling animals, ranching, running a grocery store and in agriculture.

The person whose face is covered is not a member of the communal bank.

The members are grateful for the Kiva lenders for continuing to trust in their efforts and commit to paying their dues on time.

In this group: Rosa Maria, Andres, Natalia, Ester, Tiburcia, Mercedes Teresa, Leonidas, Modesto, Briceño

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Katy Robinson.

This loan is special because:

It reaches borrowers in underserved and disadvantaged areas in Peru.

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