The Kibare Tutungukye group is located in the Karangaro ward, western division, of the Rukungiri district. The group is comprised of both men and women who engage in a variety of activities to earn a living for their families. The group recently applied for a loan of 4,700,000 SHS to add more stock for their businesses.
Edward is the only man in the group and his source of livelihood is goat trading. He says his major challenge has been limited capital to expand his business. He applied for a loan of 600,000 SHS. With the financial assistance it provides, he is optimistic that his business will grow and he will be in the position to adequately care for his family's needs. He is very thankful to Ugafode and Kiva funders for their financial assistance.
In this group: Maria, Edward, Justine, Ruth, Leonarda, Angelina, Jeneroza, Spicioza, Joy