A loan helped a member to buy threads, needles, and other supplies.

San Miguel Group's story

The group called "San Miguel" is in its first loan cycle in the women's committee program. It is a new group, where everyone works and helps each other get ahead. They are very hard-working, and they want to be able to improve their quality of life through their work.

Señora Edith is a very humble woman. She sells crocheted handicrafts in her home. In this way she helps her husband to maintain their household through this effort and continuous work and from the training that the foundation gives them to be able to grow and improve.

She is requesting this loan to be able to buy threads, needles, frames, and other supplies, and with this she will be able to continue doing her crochet to help her loved ones.

In this group: Edith, Deisy, Antonia, Laura, Leticia, Zunilda, Sandra, Nicol, Rosmary, Ruth, Francisca, Viviana, Cinthia, Maria, Francisca, Librada, Liza, Gabi

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

It helps reach the underserved

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