Celia is 62 years old and was born in the province of Rafael Bustillo in the department of Cochabamba. She is a hardworking person. She is widowed and she lives alone. She has five children who are independent. She shares that she completed grade school but, her parents lacked the economic resources to help her continue her studies.
She started to work when she was very young and she met her husband who she married. He passed away ten years ago. The woman has had to maintain and provide an education for her children. Many times she was only able to give them food once a day but she was able to get ahead and she currently lives in the tropics of Cochabamba.
She bought an agricultural plot of land of 20 hectares with her savings. She works here as a farmer. She says that she needs a loan to expand her citrus (orange) plants to be able to improve her way of life.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.