A loan helped to maintain her crops and to have improved production and in this way generate better earnings for her family.

Francisca's story

Francisca was born on July 27th in the Province of Chayanta in the Department of Potosi. She now makes her home in the community of Senda "D" in the Municipality of Chimore, Province of Carrasco in the Department of Cochabamba.

Francisca is the mother of 3 children, 2 of whom live with her. She is married to Mario. Francisca, and her husband work humbly and they exert themselves every day to give better living conditions, food, health and education to their children. They work at a variety of occupations to generate economic income, such as day laborer, farmer, construction helper, and others. These occupations provide the economic income that is for the family.

With the passing of years, Francisca has acquired the ability to manage the economic resources from their crops, and for this reason she requires a loan for the maintenance of the crops in order to have improved production and in this way generate a better income for her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Rita Levitz.

This loan is special because:

It aims to grow small farms and businesses in the Bolivian highlands.

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