A loan helped to purchase artificial guano to generate more income and continue to provide for his children's education.

Avni's story

Avni is 46 years old and has three children between the ages of one and sixteen years old. Two of them are currently enrolled in school and his wife stays home to care for their house and their youngest child.

Based on family tradition, he is involved in agricultural work. He has land where he plants wheat, vegetables and pumpkins that he then sells in the market. Avni sells the seeds at the market as well for a bit more income. He also has a regular job, working as a security guard but with little income.

He works very hard to ensure that he is always able to bring home enough income to satisfy his family's needs as he is the main source of income for his family. Now, he is in need of a loan to purchase artificial guano. The loan will help him to generate more income and continue to provide for his children's education. He is very grateful for the opportunity.

This loan is special because:

It supports the social and economic well being of low-income families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details