A loan helped a member to buy agricultural inputs to maintain her coffee crop.

Pochol 1 D Group's story

Magdalena, 46, is deeply grateful to the Kiva lenders, because thanks to her loan she was able to buy fertilizers and pay laborers to maintain her coffee crop. Thanks to God, she had a good harvest and used the profits to buy a stove for her kitchen. She is very happy with this improvement, but she is not going to settle, which is why she asks for a new loan to buy fertilizers and agricultural inputs to maintain some of the land she is currently growing coffee on. Her big dream is to buy more land to increase her crop in the future.

In this group: Magdalena, Maria, Maria Antonieta, María, Catarina, Manuela, Francisca Juliana, Catarina Patricia

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Mary Berghaus.

This loan is special because:

It supports rural agriculturalists in the highlands of Guatemala.

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