A loan helped a member buy shoes at wholesale price.

San Jose De Yunguyo Group's story

“SAN JOSE DE YUNGUYO” is a Communal Bank that will start its thirty-first cycle with Pro Mujer as part of the Panamericana Community Center. It is composed of nine members, guided by a directive board, and Milene is its secretary. The member of the Communal Bank engage in different activities such as selling groceries, selling blankets, selling shoes, selling sandals, selling sweaters, selling clothes for babies and selling flowers.

Milene is one of the micro entrepreneurs of this group, and she will benefit from the requested loan. She says that she has been a member of Pro Mujer for three years, having been invited to join the institution by her mother-in-law, who is a member of the institution. She is currently selling shoes, and she says she learned her job many years ago out of her own initiative.

The loan she is now requesting will be used to increase her working capital by buying shoes at wholesale price from wholesalers in the town of La Paz; she will then sell them during the various fairs that take place in the town of El Alto. This type of activity helps her earning an income to economically support her family, as she is married and has a son.

When asked about what she likes of Pro Mujer, she answers that she likes the seminars and the health program provided by the institution.

In this group: Milene, Atanasia, Jacinta Eleuteria, Victoria, Mariela, Ceferina, Victoria, Tereza, Flora

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Emanuela Villa.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through group lending.

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