A loan helped to purchase necessary farm inputs for broad bean cultivation.

Anima's story

Anima is a 41-year-old illiterate woman who can sign her name only. She lives in a remote village of Dhupguri in Jalpaiguri district with her two grown up sons. Unfortunately, she lost her husband. Her two sons are engaged in agricultural work.

After managing household work, Anima works as a daily laborer. Her sons mainly grow vegetables like potatoes, gourds, ladies fingers, eggplants, beans etc. Anima also helps her sons in the farming activities. They grow quality products and the price of their products is also cheap. So the numbers of their customers are increasing gradually.

Now they want to cultivate broad beans on their farmland because there is a huge demand for broad beans in their locality for their nutritional benefits.

Thus Anima is requesting a loan to buy broad bean seeds, pesticide, fertilizer and to cover others operational costs to grow broad beans. They hope they will get a good harvest to sell, and with the profit, they hope they can save some money for their future.

Anima’s great desire is to purchase more farmland in future with the profit of the agribusiness.

She is thankful to BJS and Kiva.

This loan is special because:

It helps women in very poor districts maintain and grow their businesses.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details