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4,180 teams
  • Harvard University

    Harvard University

    246 members have funded $2,754,160 in loans
    Boston, MA Category: Colleges/Universities Team since: Aug, 2008
  • Florida Gators for Kiva

    Florida Gators for Kiva

    234 members have funded $2,687,060 in loans
    Everywhere Category: Colleges/Universities Team since: Aug, 2008
    We loan because: The Gator Nation is everywhere, so by loaning money to people worldwide, we expand the reach of the Gator Nation.
  • Carnegie Mellon University

    Carnegie Mellon University

    182 members have funded $1,352,180 in loans
    Pittsburgh Category: Colleges/Universities Team since: Sep, 2008
    We loan because: We want to help people help themselves.
  • The Meadows School MicroBank

    The Meadows School MicroBank

    36 members have funded $1,104,730 in loans
    Las Vegas, NV Category: Schools Team since: Nov, 2008
    We loan because: As Margaret Mead said, we "never doubt that a small group of committed and dedicated people can change the world. In fact, it is the only thing that ever has."
  • One Million Dollar Team

    One Million Dollar Team

    92 members have funded $1,088,890 in loans
    Category: Schools Team since: Nov, 2008
    We loan because: Live simply that others may simply live. -Gandhi.
    Here is a video of why we loan:

    We must be the change we wish to see in…
  • Stanford University

    Stanford University

    283 members have funded $946,415 in loans
    Palo Alto, CA Category: Colleges/Universities Team since: Aug, 2008
  • Zawadi by Youth

    Zawadi by Youth

    29 members have funded $686,410 in loans
    New York, NY Category: Youth Groups Team since: May, 2009
  • Purdue University

    Purdue University

    158 members have funded $685,735 in loans
    West Lafayette, Indiana, Earth, and Beyond! Category: Colleges/Universities Team since: Sep, 2008
    We loan because: As a land-grant university with a strong commitment to sustainable development around the world, we whole-heartily support efforts to help alleviate global poverty.
  • Boston College

    Boston College

    72 members have funded $678,695 in loans
    Boston, MA Category: Colleges/Universities Team since: Aug, 2008