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Photo of sewing

Hilary Johnson
invites you to join Kiva

Photo of coffee cherries
Adela, Kiva borrower and pig farmer in El Salvador

Kiva is different from traditional charities because you get to choose who to support, and your contribution is a loan, not a donation. 100% of your loans go to support borrowers.

When you're repaid you can relend that same $25 again and again to multiply your impact. Join Hilary Johnson on Kiva and change a life today!

About Kiva
Kiva is an international nonprofit, founded in 2005 and based in San Francisco, with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty.
  • $1B
    Loans funded through Kiva
  • 97%
    Loan repayment rate
  • 85
    Countries where Kiva works
  • 1.8M
    Lenders on Kiva
How Kiva works
Choose a borrower
Browse hundreds of borrower profiles and find a story that connects with you.
Make a loan
Click 'Lend' to send money via our Field Partners, who vet, distribute and administer each loan.
Get repaid
Receive updates as the borrowers you support succeed and repay their loans.
When borrowers repay, that money is yours to keep, donate to Kiva or lend again to empower someone new!
Photo of vendor
Gaudanica, Kiva borrower and shop owner in Zimbabwe