Solar Sister used a Kiva loan to support women entrepreneurs in Africa who provide clean energy to off-grid communities.
Solar Sister used a Kiva loan to support women entrepreneurs in Africa who provide clean energy to off-grid communities.

Loans for impactful businesses

Kiva Social Enterprises

Innovative small and mid-sized businesses are tackling some of the world's biggest problems — but many institutions deny them the funding needed to scale. Kiva Social Enterprises aims to close the $1.1 trillion financing gap facing these impactful businesses. With proper support, they can grow and help address the pressing issues we face today.

Support social enterprises

Supporting social enterprises, creating 
lasting impact

At Kiva, we believe in providing resources directly to the people who understand the needs of their communities. We know that social enterprises can affect real change on a large scale. Kiva Social Enterprises provides larger, risk-tolerant loans and capacity building to social enterprises in sectors like agriculture, water and sanitation, clean energy, and artisan businesses.


Social enterprises are businesses that put purpose before profit, driving positive social or environmental change. Unlocking funding for these businesses unleashes their potential, strengthening communities, creating jobs, improving quality of life, and enhancing equitable access to basic human needs.

Help fund an impactful business

BrightLife’s kiva loan helped provide over 150 solar-powered freezers to nearly 30,000 Ugandans.
BrightLife’s kiva loan helped provide over 150 solar-powered freezers to nearly 30,000 Ugandans.

Kiva is helping impactful businesses outgrow the “missing middle”

Many social enterprises fall into a “missing middle” — businesses in emerging markets that are too small for traditional bank loans and too large for most microloans. 

Kiva uses the power of crowdfunding to lend to these organizations at an early stage when other financial service providers won’t. With the right funding, these businesses can grow and address global issues like food security and clean energy. By assuming some of the financial risk and providing this initial capital, Kiva helps social enterprises prove their viability — and secure additional funding as they continue to scale.

This is known as catalytic funding. Think of it as the jumpstart (or catalyst) a business needs to be successful and encourage others to invest.

Kiva’s impact for social enterprises


businesses supported across 56 countries


jobs created


social enterprises supported every year


lent to social enterprises


“Thanks to the Kiva Social Enterprises loan, we were able to install West Africa's largest solar irrigation system and scale our business operations.”

— Kwami Williams, Co-Founder & CEO, MoringaConnect

Fund a social enterprise
AGROPIA used a kiva loan to support the livelihoods of 129 native potato farmers and their families in the Peruvian Andes.
AGROPIA used a kiva loan to support the livelihoods of 129 native potato farmers and their families in the Peruvian Andes.


Raising farmer incomes and improving food security

Agricultural growth is twice as effective at improving livelihoods and increasing income than any other sector. That means enterprise-level loans to businesses that pay fair prices could change the lives of countless smallholder farmers, many of whom live off less than $2 a day. These loans give farmers opportunities to invest in their businesses, increase productivity, and secure a more stable future. Supporting organizations focused on climate-smart agricultural practices is also a win for the planet. Sustainable and regenerative agriculture improves the health of the land for future generations. This ensures that smallholder farmers can sustain their livelihoods — and our global food supply. 

Learn more about Kiva’s work supporting smallholder farmers →

Diaspora co. is committed to paying farmers living wages so they can afford to grow naturally and regeneratively.
Diaspora co. is committed to paying farmers living wages so they can afford to grow naturally and regeneratively.

Kiva success story

How Diaspora Co. is increasing incomes for over 850 spice farmers in India

Diaspora Co., a woman-founded social enterprise, works with smallholder farmers in India and Sri Lanka who run sustainable farms. The organization is committed to shortening the supply chain, ensuring transparency, and rewarding quality. Their first $50,000 Kiva loan helped increase the incomes of more than 850 spice farmers in India. The organization then leveraged their initial success into a second $100,000 Kiva loan, allowing them to scale even further.

Did you know?

Social enterprises are creating over 200 million jobs in emerging markets.

Fund a social enterprise
with their kiva funding, dloHaiti provided clean, affordable water to underserved communities in haiti.
with their kiva funding, dloHaiti provided clean, affordable water to underserved communities in haiti.


Expanding access to essential needs for all

Imagine living without clean and safe water to drink or cook with. That’s the reality for the 2 billion people facing water insecurity today. On top of that, 46% of the world’s population doesn't have access to sanitation services like toilets or waste management. Funding businesses that provide access to clean water and create more sanitary homes can be life-changing for both families and entire communities.

jibu partners with local entrepreneurs to produce and distribute safe drinking water within their communities.
jibu partners with local entrepreneurs to produce and distribute safe drinking water within their communities.

Kiva success story:

How Jibu is helping people in 8 countries access clean water

Jibu is a social enterprise addressing two emerging market challenges: a lack of economic opportunity and affordable drinking water. Jibu entrepreneurs have scaled a network of locally-owned water distribution franchises in eight African countries. By the end of 2023, Jibu had supplied 591 million liters of safe drinking water and created nearly 3,000 jobs for local Africans. Looking ahead, they hope to expand to over 35 countries.

Learn more about Jibu

Did you know?

Over the past 25 years, social enterprises have directly impacted more than 891 million lives.

Fund a social enterprise
With a kiva loan, soluz honduras helped 1,600+ Hondurans impacted by COVID-19 and Hurricanes gain access to clean energy.
With a kiva loan, soluz honduras helped 1,600+ Hondurans impacted by COVID-19 and Hurricanes gain access to clean energy.


Helping more people power their lives — even in remote areas

Access to cleaner energy from solar power, clean cookstoves, and biodigesters can help lower greenhouse gas emissions — and elevate people’s quality of life. Roughly 40% of the world has stoves that release kerosene fumes indoors, which can be as harmful as smoking two packs of cigarettes a day.

And for the 940 million people around the world without access to electricity, solar power can be the quickest, most affordable way to light up their lives. Funding clean energy and other carbon-capture businesses is good for people, and the planet. 

Read more about Kiva’s work mitigating climate change →

d.light has helped their customers save over $2 billion in energy-related expenses with their solar products.
d.light has helped their customers save over $2 billion in energy-related expenses with their solar products.

Kiva success story: 

How d.light is transforming a billion lives by 2030

Since 2008, d.light has helped put solar-powered lanterns, cookstoves, TVs, radios, and more into the homes of more than 100 million people. Their goal: transform a billion lives by 2030. And they’re already on their way — d.light's partnership with Kiva has made their products accessible in more locations than ever before.

“We're trying to impact a billion lives. We're focusing on product categories that have massive market potential. And financing is the missing piece to unlock that potential.”

— Karl Skare, Managing Director of Global Partnerships and Strategy, d.light

Fund a social enterprise
Yellow Leaf Hammocks provides training and support to the artisan weavers who craft their luxury hammocks.
Yellow Leaf Hammocks provides training and support to the artisan weavers who craft their luxury hammocks.


Keeping cultural traditions alive through the arts

Traditional crafts are often passed down through generations. Unfortunately, mass production has threatened the livelihoods of many artisans around the world who rely on their skills to earn income.  Right now, artisans are some of the lowest-paid workers in the world, barely earning enough to sustain their livelihoods despite long working hours. Supporting businesses that employ these specialized workers helps preserve history and culture. It also promotes more sustainable — and unique — products.

Someone Somewhere collaborates with rural artisans to Create innovative products and provide fair and consistent income.
Someone Somewhere collaborates with rural artisans to Create innovative products and provide fair and consistent income.

Kiva success story: 

How Someone Somewhere is changing the lives of 370 artisans by 2025

Someone Somewhere is a social enterprise that helps Mexican artists preserve traditional crafts, transforming recycled materials into eco-friendly apparel and accessories. Just last year, they produced 10 million climate-neutral products. They took a $100,000 loan through Kiva to build a new plant, enhance quality control, and maintain supply chain efficiency. The result? Growth for the business, and more artisans earning a sustainable livelihood.

Did you know?

One in two social enterprises are led by women, compared to one in five conventional enterprises.

Learn more about Kiva's work with women

Support impactful businesses



Make a loan

We’re more powerful together. Lend as little as $25 and help a social enterprise get the resources needed to grow and scale their impact.

Fund a social enterprise


Make a major impact

From giving through your donor-advised fund to leaving a gift in your will, every donation powers our work toward expanding financial inclusion, including for social enterprises.

Explore ways to give


Partner with us

Kiva partners align their philanthropic dollars with impact areas that reinforce their values. With Kiva, your organization can help social enterprises create meaningful change.

Learn about partnerships

Meet the team

The committed Kivans who make this work possible. Email to get in touch.


Rachel Lewis

Sr. Director of Investments she/her

Based in Seattle, Rachel has over 15 years of investment experience and leads Kiva's global social enterprise portfolio. She holds an MBA and a BA in Political Science – International Relations from Western Washington University. Rachel’s journey with Kiva began as a Fellow in Albania and Kosovo.


Michelle Schenck

Sr. Investment Mgr, Africa

Based in South Africa, Michelle oversees innovative social enterprise partnerships across Africa and the Middle East. With over 11 years of investment experience, she holds an MS in Geography and African Studies and a BS in Conservation Biology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Michelle's journey with Kiva began as a passionate Fellow in South Africa and Zambia.


Luke Seidl

Sr. Investment Mgr, Social Enterprise

Based in Minneapolis, Luke has over 10 years of investment experience and focuses on Kiva's global social enterprise portfolio. Holding a BA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and an MS from NYU, Luke brings a wealth of knowledge from his tenure at Veris Wealth Partners, where he spearheaded impact reporting.


Catalina Torres Perez

Sr. Investment Manager, Latin America she/her

Based in Bogotá, Catalina has 9 years of experience in impact investing. Fluent in Spanish, French, and English, she holds an MBA from IE Business School. Previously with ALIVE Ventures and Acumen Fund, Catalina excels in understanding impactful business models. 


Olasoji Okeowo

Investment Mgr., Europe and Asia

Based in Nairobi, Olasoji brings 8 years of investment expertise to his role at Kiva. Fluent in French, he holds degrees from Sciences Po Paris and is an affiliate of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Olasoji's career spans impactful roles at the OECD and as a dedicated Kiva Fellow in 2018 serving in Uganda. 


James Mumbo

Sr. Investment Associate

Based in Nairobi, James is a dynamic investment analyst with over 6 years of experience. Known for his due diligence and portfolio monitoring skills, James has managed an $89M fund at SIMA and completed numerous deals at Kiva. He holds a degree from Strathmore University and a CBCA certification.

Learn more about social enterprises and their impact


How Kiva’s catalytic funding raised $10M in capital for BURN

Read more

Funding affordable, clean energy in rural communities

Read more

Kiva’s work to incubate small and growing businesses

Read more